
"The Worldwide Environmental Cleanup Campaign for the Passover"-Held by WMSCOG

There is a Nice News. World mission society church of God(WMSCOG) cleaned up some place. Christ Ahnsahnghong and God the Mother always emphasized how important to do good deed to the world. Like as Jesus Christ had did good deeds two thousand year ago for saving our soul, God's children should be the light and the salt in the word. Please read belowed article. 

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 This is posted by Alex Villarreal

[World Mission Society Church of God held "The Worldwide Environmental Cleanup Campaign for the Passover"]

“On March 4, 2012 the World Mission Society Church of God will held “The Worldwide Environmental Cleanup Campaign for the Passover" in commemoration of the Sacred Birth of Christ Ahnsahnghong. We are a worldwide organization which has 2200 Churches established in 150 countries who follow the teachings of God the Mother who brings joy and hope to mankind.

The World Mission Society Church of God Church located in Naperville participate in this event by cleaning the Country Lakes Park in Naperville, Illinois. Around 200 members of the Church of God who reside in greater Chicago areas even as far as Wisconsin and Indiana participated on this community service cleanup campaign.

This event was organized together with the Naperville Park District.
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