
Dozens took to the streets to make Atlanta more beautiful-wmscog ahnsahnghong

  There is another news about World mission society church of God. Why all member of WMSCOG do the clean up campaign. What they want to proclaim? That is Passover. Next month Passover will be held. When we keep the Passover we can realize savior of the age of the Holy Spirit-Christ Ahnsahnghong and God the Mother. We hope more many people the Passover and accept the savior-ahnsahnghong and God the Mother.

[Dozens took to the streets to make Atlanta more beautiful]

By Mary Gleason

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Volunteers took advantage of Sunday's sunny weather to work on making Atlanta a little more beautiful.

Members of World Mission Society Church of God in Atlanta picked up 3,642 bags of trash Sunday between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. Two areas were cleaned by 110 volunteers. One is the stretch of Martin Luther King Jr. Drive nestled between Hamilton E. Holmes and Bolder Park Drives. The other was Pittman Park.

Both areas were recommended to the church by Chief Patrick Labat of the City of Atlanta's Department of Corrections.

Sunday's clean up is part of the church's worldwide movement. Members of World Mission Society church of God take to the streets every year before Passover to clean up trash. There are 2,200 churches in 150 countries across the globe.

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  1. See the picture! lots of trash...

  2. How can they do that campaign continuously?

  3. also i want to proclaim tne passover!!
